Below is a terrible picture of my largest fish of the day. This Tiger was a legit 24+ inch trout. All of the Tiger trout ate the still water nymph that I trailed from a black wooley bugger. I kept a steady slow hand twist retrieve all day since it was working.

First fish of the day just over 20".
Smallest fish of the day, just shy of 19".
Last night we went up to the Gorge at night to sleep over with the intentions of fishing up around that area the next morning. Jace, Zack and I slept in the back of the minivan and at 2:00 am I was awakened to snow falling of the trees and hitting our vehicle. I sat up and could not see anything since there was snow all over the windows. I opened the door to peek outside and saw a good 6 inches of snow and it showed no signs of stopping. SO, I climbed out of bed and started up the minivan and worked my way out to the highway. It was just after 4:00 am when we finally pulled up the driveway to our home.
Below is the sunset at Matt-Warner. Friday after work, Jay (U of U intern at work) and I went up with the drift boat to fish Calder. Well after being blown around for an hour and no fish caught we decided to head over to Matt Warner to fish from the bank. Jay fishes a copper blue fox spinner that destroys fish everywhere he goes. His spinner lived up to its name and he ended up catching around a dozen rainbows. I caught one fairly nice cuttbow off a black wooley bugger before giving up to watch Jay catch fish.
A few weeks ago Zack and I went up to fish the Gorge for some spawners. We did not see any off of the banks but ended up catching a few off of a copper colored egg sucking bugger. After fishing the Gorge, Zack wanted to keep fishing (at least I have one boy who loves to fish). We drove over to greens lake with no luck and then headed over to the moose ponds where we caught a few puny rainbows.
April 16th was the death of my camera. This is the 4th camera that I have killed in 5 years. I took my brother and 2 of his friends down the Green and they caught a ton of fish using a brown trout rapala. We floated the river in about 3-4 hours since it was fairly high water. With a lot of time left over we headed to sheep creek bay on the Gorge to see if we could get into any rainbows. Well, they ended up catching 4-5 rainbows chucking power bait and so the curse began. After a full day of pictures, I put my camera on the rear bumper of the truck while I squared away a few things on the drift boat. Anyways, I forgot about my camera until we pulled into Vernal. As soon as I got home and my brother and his friends left, I jumped into my car in hopes to find my camera in the parking lot. Well, The parking lot was full of camera stealing thief's when we left and I assume somebody is enjoying my nice waterproof camera.
Great pictures. Oh yeah, thanks for the camera. Finders keepers.