Thursday, May 20, 2010


Today one of my old patients and I headed out to catch some big tiger trout. We fished all morning with no success, and then with the help of another fisherman we ran into, we figured out how to fish this lake. This lake is FULL of scuds and these tigers hang out on the bank and slurp theses scuds all day long. Fishing here was really fun because it is all sight fishing to big fish. The fly of the day was a tan scud with a orange bead in the body. Light olive scuds worked too but not like the other one.

The guy we ran into fishes this lake about every week and really had the fishing down to a science. He was the only person on this lake catching fish until he let me in on his secret and gave me a few flies! After that I caught about 6 nice tiger trout.


  1. WOW! Those are some monsters. How close is this place to you? I'm going to be back in SLC for the week before the 4th of July. Maybe we could go to this place if you have some free time.

  2. Todd, I could take you there but then I'd have to kill you. If you want to fish this place it is a 2 hour drive from salt lake. Call me and and we'll set something up.
