The boss man at work keeps suggesting that we use our PTO days if we want to, to save on FTE's. I asked him what an FTE was and he didn't know, but said it was a suggestion from our CFO. A couple of days ago I noticed that April, our PTA, did not have any patients to see on Thursday, so being nice, I let her see all of my patients so I could go fishing.

I got up to "The River" around noon and quickly found out that the entire parking lot was empty. I have had plenty of days with the river all to myself, but seldom is the parking lot empty.
I was planning on fishing midges up top, but as soon as I got down to the river I saw that the Browns were still on their spawning beds. The fishing was excellent for both browns and rainbows.
Flies used in order of productivity:
1. egg
2. orange san juan worm
3. red wd-40
4. black seal bugger.